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request: Belajar Bahasa Jepon

15 years 10 months ago #26012 by Taha89
sapa2yang mengaji kt jepon tu or tahu bahasa nih ajar aku boleh tak? please.....
15 years 9 months ago #26316 by Awie
aligato sense...:woohoo:
15 years 9 months ago #26319 by Bropian
1. Hai = Yes Ee = Yes
2. Iie = No Ii = Good
3. Dôzo = Here you go
4. Onegaishimasu = Please
5. Oyasuminasai = Goodnight
6. Sayônara = Goodbye
7. Jâ, mata ne = See you
8. Jâ mata ashita = See you tomorrow
9. Mina san = Everyone
10. Hajimemashite = Nice to meet you
11. Dôzo yoroshiku = Pleased to meet you
12. Shibaraku desu ne = Long time, no?
13. O-genki desu ka = OK?
14. Hai, genki desu = Yes, I\'m fine
15. Anata wa = And you?
16. Watashi mo genki desu = I\'m fine, too
17. Kyô wa ii o-tenki desu ne = Nice weather isn\'t it?
18. Chotto matte kudasai = Just a minute
19. Gomen nasai = I\'m sorry
20. Sumimasen = Excuse me, sorry (Thanks)
21. Wakarimasen = I don\'t understand
22. Daijôbu desu = It\'s OK
23. Itadakimasu (before meal)
24. Gochisô sama deshita (after meal)
25. Mô kekkô desu = No more thanks
26. O-mizu ippai/nihai = One/two glasses of water
27. Ippai/Ippon = A glass/bottle
28. ... o kudasai = Please give me ...
29. Nama bîru = Draft beer
30. Dai/chû/shô jokki bîru = Large/med/small beer ...
31. ... wa arimasuka = Do you have ...
32. Toire wa doko desu ka = Where\'s the toilet?
33. Kore wa nan desu ka = What is this?
34. Sore o kaimasu = I\'ll buy that
35. Kore ga watashi no kippu desu = This is my ticket
36. Nanmei-sama desu ka = How many are you?
37. Hitari (futari) desu = one (two) person(s)
38. O-nomimono wa = What would you like to drink?
39. Nani o nomitai desuka = What would you like to drink?
40. Watashi no meishi desu = My name card
41. O-namae wa nan desu ka = What\'s your name?
42. O-kaikei o o-negai shimasu = Check please
43. O-kanjô o o-negai shimasu = Check please
44. Saa, watashi wa shirimasen = Well, I don\'t know
45. Korewa ikura desuka = How much is this?
46. Sumimasen, (anata wa) _____ san desu ka = Excuse me, are you (name)?
47. Hai, watashi wa aran mirâ desu = Yes, I\'m (name)
48. (name) wa watashi no kanai desu = (name) is my wife
49. Watashi wa Kyôju (no Kôgaku) desu = I\'m a professor (of Engineering)
50. Mô ichido itte kudasai = Please say again
51. Yukkuri hanashite kudasai = Please speak slowly
52. Dôka mô sukoshi yukkuri hanashite kudasai = Please speak more slowly
53. Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi hanasemas = I speak a little Japanese
54. Daijôbu desu = It\'s OK
55. Iie, kekkou desu = No thanks
56. Nani o kaimasu ka = What will you buy?
57. Nani o shimasu ka = What will you do?
58. Ongaku wa suki desu = Do you like music?
59. Kyô wa nannichi desuka = What day is it today?
60. Ee, dai suki desu = Yes, I like it very much
61. Tanoshii desu = It\'s fun
62. Tenpura ga tabetaidesu = I want to eat tempura
63. Madogawa no seki o onegaishimasu = A window seat please
64. Kin\'enseki o onegaishimasu = A no-smoking seat please
65. Denwabangô wa nanban desuka = What is the phone number?
66. Sûtsukêsu wa doko desuka = Where are the suitcases?
67. Watashi wa (location) e ikimasu = I am going to (location)
68. Kore wa watashi no hon desu = This is my book
69. Kore wa yasui desu = This is cheap
15 years 8 months ago #27613 by apis_death
watashi wa no namae wa apis20 desu~
15 years 8 months ago #27619 by Bropian
moshi- moshi....
15 years 8 months ago #27907 by malinda
terer nya bropian!:woohoo:
15 years 7 months ago #28237 by zeon90
konichiwa = ko kecewa
15 years 7 months ago #28249 by Bropian
ohaiyo ghozaimasse
15 years 7 months ago #28260 by Taha89
ohayo gozaimasu..
arigato gozaimasu bropian....
yokatta bropian....
15 years 6 months ago #28440 by Bropian
wakarimasen taha san
15 years 4 months ago #28969 by eizzho3
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu..

Ore samano namae wa nande???


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